Bin Laden
In 2004, Kim Clement prophesied that Osama Bin Laden would be found finally, and that did take place in 2011. – “The exact whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and the final search is complete… Today I was given a vision… I was standing in a house that has a balcony…”
Nov 1, 2004 – Letter to President George W. Bush:
Osama Bin Laden – Where is his head?
The exact whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and the final search is complete. Today I was given a vision while praying for you; I was standing in a house that has a balcony; I don’t know the exact location but it was in the City that has houses with many balconies close to Faisalabad. As I stood on this balcony, I saw a Royal Castle, however, I had to move over to the left side of the balcony to see the palace.
Washington Post – Osama bin Laden Killed in Pakistan – May 2, 2011
News regarding the timing of Bin Laden’s Exposure and the prophetic clue of the Royal Castle – as it turns out, Bin Laden was shot hours after the Royal Wedding of Will and Kate:
The Telegraph – Royal Wedding Pride, the death of Bin Laden – May 9, 2011